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Thank you so much for your interest in humbly volunteering with The Salvation Army in doing THE MOST GOOD throughout our Harrisburg community!


How to Become a Salvation Army Volunteer:

Step 1: Complete your Volunteer Application

Step 2: Sign up for your first shift!

Step 3: Complete your clearances within 30-days of your first shift and send to sarah.vielot@use.salvationarmy.org

COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS - If you are interested in Community Service Volunteering, please complete this application and all clearances notated within. Following that, please email your letter of interest to sarah.vielot@use.salvationarmy.org BEFORE signing up for volunteering.


Year-Round Volunteering Opportunities


DESCRIPTION:  Our Choice Food Pantry allows clients to shop for and choose their own food from our food pantry, including shelf-stable foods and fresher products like produce, milk, eggs, and frozen meats. 

TASKS: Assisting clients with checking in and walking them through the pantry to select their foods of choice, as well as stocking and cleaning the food stations.

DAYS AND TIMES: We operate the Choice Food Pantry every day except for Sundays at a variety of times.

AGE REQUIREMENTS: Ages 18 and older

GROUP OPPORTUNITIES: Only on monthly Drive-Through Pantry Days, contact sarah.vielot@use.salvationarmy.org if you are interested!



DESCRIPTION: Our behind-the-scenes Warehouse is what makes our Choice Food Pantry possible. We gratefully receive perishable and nonperishable foods from a variety of grocery stores. Our warehouse volunteers sort through and stock the food pantry with this food.

TASKS: Assisting with the receiving, unboxing, sorting, and organizing of donated foods, and delivering to the Choice Food Pantry. *Must be able to be on your feet for 3-hours and lift up to 20 lbs*.

DAYS AND TIMES: We operate the Warehouse every morning and afternoon, Monday-Friday.

AGE REQUIREMENTS: Ages 14 and older, if 14-16 must be accompanied by an adult.

GROUP OPPORTUNITIES: None at this time.



DESCRIPTION: This quarterly event takes place in the evenings and hosts up to 10 families for a volunteering activity with their children/grandchildren between the ages of 8-14 years of age. 

TASKS: Transferring bulk spices to individuals’ bags and labeling them for the Choice Food Pantry, packaging hygiene kits, creating cards and other materials that are helpful and counseling for our clients, and more! 

DAYS AND TIMES TO SIGN UP: First Wednesday of every month from 6 – 7 PM. Please sign up at this link.

AGE REQUIREMENTS: Ages 8-14 with their parents or guardian.



DESCRIPTIONThe Family Table is our teaching kitchen that offers free nutrition and cooking classes to kids, adults, and seniors where we teach participants how to prepare affordable, simple, and healthy meals for themselves and their families.

TASKS: Assisting the nutrition instructor with greeting participants, distributing, and prepping class materials, and assisting with the chopping, measuring, sauteing, and overall meal preparation alongside the participants. As well as post-class clean-up such as washing dishes and wiping down counter tops.

DAYS AND TIMES: We operate The Cooking Class series in The Family Table - Teaching Kitchen that are 6-week classes in either afternoons or evenings.

AGE REQUIREMENTS: Ages 18 and older.

GROUP OPPORTUNITIES: None at this time.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Must have kitchen and cooking comfortability and familiarity.



DESCRIPTION: Our facility gardens and landscaping are our way of creating a welcoming and peaceful environment for our clients and community and includes vegetable gardens and a wide array of flora.

TASKS: Digging, mulching, planting, harvesting, watering, trimming, and other landscaping activities to maintain the produce production and flora beautification.

DAYS AND TIMES: We do not have regularly scheduled garden or landscaping days, however, if you have a group that would like to volunteer here, you may email your interest to sarah.vielot@use.salvationarmy.org.

AGE REQUIREMENTS: Ages 14 and older.

GROUP OPPORTUNITIES: Yes! Just coordinate dates, times, and number of volunteers with sarah.vielot@use.salvationarmy.org.



DESCRIPTION: Our Youth and Family Education department is dedicated to supporting and empowering families and young people in educational enrichment activities for after-school programs, as well as summer programs.

TASKS: Assisting teachers with classroom oversight and student enrichment activities such as tutoring, homework assistance, and other learning objectives.     

DAYS AND TIMES:  We do not have regularly scheduled Youth and Family Education volunteering opportunities, however, if you are interested, you may email your interest to sarah.vielot@use.salvationarmy.org.

DRESS: Closed toe shoes are necessary. Please wear breathable, appropriate, and comfortable clothing. 


GROUP OPPORTUNITIES: None at this time.



DESCRIPTIONThe Spice Gang is our program dedicated to packing our bulk spices into individual packets for distribution in our Choice Food Pantry and is accessibility friendly.

TASKS: Transferring bulk spices to individuals’ bags and labeling them for the Choice Food Pantry.

DAYS AND TIMES:  If you are interested, you may email your interest to sarah.vielot@use.salvationarmy.org.

AGE REQUIREMENTS: Ages 10 and older.

GROUP OPPORTUNITIES: Yes! Just coordinate dates, times, and number of volunteers with sarah.vielot@use.salvationarmy.org.



DESCRIPTION: The Salvation Army has three primary departments that have daily needs and activities. This Business Takeover Day is a time where utilize the help from a larger group and disperse volunteers throughout each of our departments, which includes about two people in the Choice Food Pantry, two people in the Warehouse, 2-5 people in administrative activities, and the remainder in the garden.


  • Choice Food Pantry: Assisting clients with checking in and walking them through the pantry to select their foods of choice, as well as stocking and cleaning the food stations.
  • Warehouse: Assisting with the receiving, unboxing, sorting, and organizing of donated foods, and delivering to the Choice Food Pantry.
  • Administrative: Folding volunteer shirts, labeling, writing notes, filing data, stamping and filling envelopes, etc.
  • Garden: Digging, mulching, planting, harvesting, watering, trimming, and other landscaping activities to maintain the produce production and flora beautification.

DAYS AND TIMES:  If you are interested, you may email your interest to sarah.vielot@use.salvationarmy.org.

AGE REQUIREMENTS: Ages 14 and older.

GROUP OPPORTUNITIES: Yes! Just coordinate dates, times, and number of volunteers with sarah.vielot@use.salvationarmy.org.



DESCRIPTION: Our Emergency Disaster Services Canteen Truck is dedicated to supporting disaster victims and Emergency Responders within Dauphin, Perry, and Cumberland Counties, with refreshments and spiritual encouragements so they can complete their services to the Communities. 

TASKS: Our variety of volunteer services needs include Municipal networking for services; Personnel staffing and dispatch; Equipment supply readiness; Operating the Canteen Truck; Food and beverage supply readiness; Food preparation and serving; Spiritual guidance and encouragement, and Humanitarian needs networking. 

DAYS AND TIMES: Our Primary function is an “on-call, as-needed” service. We have limited scheduled opportunities. Please contact Sarah Vielot at sarah.vielot@use.salvationarmy.org if you are interested in joining this team.

AGE REQUIREMENTS: 18 and Older. 

TRAINING: Training will be provided in addition to “on-the-job” guidance. 

GROUP OPPORTUNITIES: We attend regular Community events during the year to show Community support and to keep our team “in-readiness”. 


Holiday Programs & Services


Christmas Intake Assistance: October – November 2025: 

Interested in being notified with these sign-up sheets are live? Please complete this 2025 Holiday Volunteer Early Bird - Registration Form.

DESCRIPTION: Each Christmas, The Salvation Army Harrisburg operates a Christmas program whereby we provide new toys, clothing, and meals for over 5,000 children.  For families to sign up to receive these program’s services, they must follow an application process and attend an in-person appointment to review their application.

TASKS: You as a volunteer will assist these families during their appointments to review and confirm their application materials. This is an incredible opportunity to meet one-on-one with the families and get to know them personally.

VOLUNTEER REQUIREMENTS: Able to sit during the entire shift and MUST BE comfortable and confident in computer skills such as typing and computer navigation. The entire duration will be spent using a computer to input client information.

DRESS: Please wear breathable, appropriate, and comfortable clothing.




Kettle Bell Ringing: November 2025 – December 2025

SIGNING UP: To sign up for kettle-ringing during the 2025 Holiday Season, please complete this 2025 Red Kettle Ringing - Registration Form. Shortly after, you will be contacted by Major David Childs who will coordinate with you on days, times, and locations. Ideally, we prefer shifts of 2 hours or more!

DESCRIPTION: We are seeking joyful kettle bell ringers throughout November and December to serve in our kettle fundraising campaign. This campaign is crucial as it drives on average over 12k each Christmas to support our programs and services at The Salvation Army Harrisburg. 

TASKS: You and/or your group will stand at one of our kettlebell stations at a local businesses and ring, dance, sing, hand-out cookies, hot chocolate, or anything else that brings joy and cheer which will drive donations in our kettles!

VOLUNTEER REQUIREMENTS: Able to stand or sit the duration of the assigned shift.

DRESS: Please wear warm, appropriate, and comfortable clothing. 

GROUP OPPORTUNITIES: Yes! You can sign up as a group for a whole day and send one person per hour, or you as a group can serve together at one kettlebell!


Christmas Gift Preparation and Distribution: December 2025

Interested in being notified with these sign-up sheets are live? Please complete this 2025 Holiday Volunteer Early Bird - Registration Form.

DESCRIPTION: Each Christmas, The Salvation Army Harrisburg Capital City Region provides new toys, clothing, and meals for 1,500+ local families, over 4,000 children. Volunteers are needed to sort, pack, and distribute the gifts and food for these local families.

TASKS: Specific instructions will be provided when you arrive for your shift. Most tasks require standing, walking, and bending.  There are no sitting jobs. Tasks may include Box making, packing boxes, and distributing boxes to program applicants as they arrive.

VOLUNTEER REQUIREMENTS: Able to lift, carry, bend, and stand for the duration of the shift.

DRESS: Please wear warm, breathable, appropriate, and comfortable clothing.